NWRA Past Events Archive
All past events of and sponsored by NWRA and its partners in the Nevada Water community are archived in an off-site location.
Selecting a link below will open a new window in which you can browse, view, or download any of the available archived files.
NWRA is a non-profit organization and seeks out knowledgeable professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to provide educational and informative presentations. NWRA strives to ensure topics are current and address educational needs; however, topics and issues presented and addressed are the opinion and ownership of the presenter, person or agency presenting the information. NWRA does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or validity of the content and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. NWRA assumes no liability or responsibility for the content of a presentation, educational instruction, or the opinions expressed by the presenters. Advertisements posted on www.nvwra.org, e-mailed, or presented via other formats do not constitute an endorsement by NWRA in any manner.
Header photo by Karin Peternel