Journal of Nevada Water Resources Association
Volume 4, Number 1 - Winter 2007
JNWRA 2006 Lake Tahoe Special Edition
In this special edition of the Journal of the Nevada Water Resources Association, abstracts from the 2006 Lake Tahoe Science Plan Workshop entitled “Science as a Tool in Lake Tahoe Basin Management” are presented. These abstracts are published in their original format as presented at the workshop and have not undergone the usual peer review that technical articles usually receive by the Journal of the Nevada Water Resources Association assistant and associate editors. We felt it was important to publish these abstracts in order to make them available to the public, but because they have already been presented at the workshop, additional editing should be withheld. We hope the information provided in this special edition is useful for both describing the present scientific activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin and as a tool for making wise and informed management decisions that utilize research and monitoring.